Saturday 5 August 2017

Summary of the first academic year

As a whole the first year has proven to be very fruitful, I have gained a good basis to build more advanced techniques in regards to coding with c++, I have made a test level in unity to gather a grasp of various features that unity possesses and also remade the game rush hour using Cocos2DX, which is a game engine that doesn't have a GUI so you learn the very nitty gritty of coding with c++. Due to working full time in order to pay off my first car and its insurance over the summer I haven't had much free time in order to build upon these skills but In the next coming months before my second year begins at UWE I want to get a good basis unreal engine also to prepare me for my continued studies. Which should be much easier to do as ill have much more free time shortly as my summer job is coming to a close. 
Here's just a few examples of the works I've done over the first year:

Cocos2DX --- Rush hour:
Entrance Menu.
Variety of levels in difficulty selection.

Navigating the blocks to reveal the exit.
Taking the block to the exit then victory!

Unity --- Feature Showcase:

Trigger zone activating the door animation to run.
Trigger zones turning on lights and changing camera views.
Child and parent relationship in order to traverse gap.
Particle effects, application of force and animation on a button press.

Use of ray-casting to see if cursor is on a trigger zone. If this is the case
then the particle is shot and looped animation of blocks ceases.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Blind Echo #GGJ2017

Blind Echo is a maze game that is shrouded in darkness and you have to use echo location to light your way through the maze to navigate it. You also have to avoid traps along the way to make it to the exit successfully.

Blind echo is the first attempt at making a game other than looking at techniques on my course. Going into this with not really any prior knowledge allowed me to get a lot from this games jam as I learnt a hell of a lot from it. This project was with a few friends that I've made on the course so far and as for a first group project I personally felt that it was a very enjoyable experience and will definitely be attending next years.